Policy Topics
Reinforcing Cybersecurity & Trust
Minimise risks of cyber incidents affecting networks, services, and customers
Reinforcing Cybersecurity & Trust
Minimise risks of cyber incidents affecting networks, services, and customers
The security of Gigabit and 5G networks, systems and customers is a top priority and a fundamental aim for connectivity providers. Providers constantly evaluate their network assets and technologies to anticipate potential cyber threats. This includes conducting regular reviews of the most significant security risks affecting customers and developing strategies to detect, prevent and respond to them.
GIGAEurope supports a ‘joined-up’ policy approach to ensuring a high level of security in next-generation networks, with due consideration to the cost and burden of implementing relevant measures. The cost and complexity of guaranteeing the necessary cyber defence mechanisms also speaks in favour of upscaling European telecoms operators to ensure the resources and capabilities are available to support the magnitude of investments needed.
Read more about GIGAEurope’s policy contributions:
Summary of GIGAEurope’s Response to the Future of Connectivity Consultation