Policy Topics

Driving the Green Transformation

Gigabit connectivity enables Green Digital Transformation, whilst sustainability of the connectivity sector increases.

Driving the Green Transformation

Enabling Europe’s green transition

Gigabit networks act as a key enabler of the EU’s Green Deal objectives. GIGAEurope’s members are committed to investing in the deployment of Gigabit and 5G technologies with significant energy and material efficiency properties. Gigabit and 5G connections also enable the widespread dissemination of energy-efficient digital solutions for businesses and societies at large, supporting a net positive impact across a wide range of sectors.

GIGAEurope members work closely with EU institutions and industry fora on best practices, methods and common indicators leveraging their net-zero trajectories.

Read more about GIGAEurope’s policy contributions:

Summary of GIGAEurope’s Response to the Future of Connectivity Consultation

GIGAEurope Members join EU Green Deal Coalition