Policy Topics
Gigabit Connectivity
Gigabit connectivity is the cornerstone of the EU Digital Strategy and the foundation for an inclusive Digital Transformation.
Towards a forward leaning regulatory framework for connectivity
GIGAEurope represents private operators and infrastructure providers who build, manage, and invest in the Gigabit and 5G communications networks that enable Europe’s digital connectivity. Our members are actively investing in cutting-edge infrastructure (fibre, cable and 5G networks) while rolling out the next generation of products and services powered by their Gigabit speed network capabilities. In support of the EU Digital Decade targets of all end users being covered by a fixed Gigabit network and all populated areas covered by 5G (or equivalent) by 2030, GIGAEurope is contributing actively to policy debates on the investment-enabling policies needed to accelerate scaled network deployments across the EU.
Crowding-in private investment into connectivity infrastructure
Attracting private investment into European Gigabit and 5G networks, at pace, is critical to the success of Europe’s Digital Strategy. GIGAEurope’s members, as leading private investors in European connectivity infrastructure, play an important part in delivering on the Digital Decade connectivity ambitions. Representing infrastructure competitors with a long-term investment horizon, GIGAEurope emphasises the critical need for regulatory certainty and a clear perspective with regard to return on investments. For example, in the Commission’s review of its Broadband State Aid Guidelines, GIGAEurope played a prominent role highlighting the need to prevent crowding out of private investment in Gigabit-capable infrastructures by publicly-funded networks.
Promoting technology-neutral connectivity policies
GIGAEurope actively supports the long-established principle of technology neutrality to guide national and EU policies for stimulating roll-out and deployment of Gigabit and 5G networks. The most effective path to full Gigabit coverage is to avoid picking technology winners, thereby leveraging the dynamics of market-based competition between all Gigabit-capable network technologies (including 5G, fibre and cable-based DOCSIS 3.1 and 4.0). Technology neutrality allows for optimal connectivity solutions to be found and tailored to the variety of local infrastructure situations across the EU.
Read more about GIGAEurope’s position
GIGAEurope Response to the White Paper “How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs?”
GIGAEurope’s Feedback on the Gigabit Infrastructure Act Proposal
GIGAEurope Feedback on the Draft Implementing Decision setting out KPIs to measure progress to the Digital Decade Targets
Joint Statement by EU and Ukrainian Operators on Connectivity in support of Ukraine
GIGAEurope Statement Welcoming Adoption of the Path to the Digital Decade Programme
GIGAEurope Response to the Draft Revised Merger Implementing Regulation
ETNO GSMA GIGAEurope Response to BEREC Draft Guidelines on Open Internet Regulation
GIGAEurope Response to Draft Revised Broadband State Aid Guidelines
GIGAEurope Response to the Public Consultation on the ‘Path to the Digital Decade’
GIGAEurope Position Paper on Roaming Regulation Trilogues
GIGAEurope Response to Digital Policy Programme EC Questionnaire
GIGAEurope Response to the Public Consultation on Adoption of the Review and Prolongation of the Roaming Regulation
GIGAEurope Response to Public Consultation on the Evaluation and Review of the Broadband Cost Reduction Directive
GIGAEurope Response to the Consultation on the Draft BEREC Guidelines on the Criteria for a Consistent Application of Article 61(3) EECC
GIGAEurope Response to BEREC Public Consultation on Draft BEREC Guidelines on VHCN