The industry association representing private investors in Gigabit and 5G communications networks across Europe

We bring together lawmakers, consumers, and industry leaders to support successful green and digital transformations

Our focus is on increasing investment and innovation in high-quality connectivity and supporting European competitiveness







GIGAEurope’s Autumn Reception

This will be a mid-week recharge among colleagues on the same EU wavelength

as we all unplug from our computers on 28 November (17:30 – 20:30 CET)

and reboot with others who work in the connectivity sector.

We look forward to expanding our network, while welcoming guests with a beverage of their choice and delicious byte-sized courses, in our favourite Brussels hot spot, Atelier29!

Joint Telecom Industry Statement on the Gigabit Infrastructure Act

Our Associations ECTA, ETNO, GSMA Europe, and GIGAEurope represent the European telecommunications industry, which plays a crucial role in connecting people and businesses while facilitating Europe’s green and digital transition. We welcome the EU’s Gigabit Infrastructure Act proposal, which aims to reduce the time and cost of rolling out ultra high-speed internet service across the European Union. With the adoption of some modifications the GIA can:

  • Accelerate the process of granting permits
  • Avoid unnecessary intra-EU call regulation
  • Eliminate extra costs by leveraging all Gigabit-ready technologies
  • Keep the focus on GIA’s core objectives as we collectively work to achieve the Digital Decade targets by 2030


We support a strong and harmonised European Digital Single Market, with a clear focus on enabling regulatory and market conditions that allow for sustainable investment and innovation in gigabit infrastructure and IoT.

GIGAEurope aims to highlight the importance of EU policies, supporting sustainable investment and competition. We believe that European policies should be based on long-term objectives, with regulatory intervention where the market fails to provide efficient outcomes.

Working with vertical players and policy makers, we aim to reduce market fragmentation and establish a level playing field across the whole digital ecosystem.

Our Priorities


Trust is key for Europeans to participate in a fast-changing digital world and embrace new technologies. Gigabit network providers need to convey this trust by providing secure & reliable access to the digital world.


No one can be left behind. All Europeans need to have access to next generation digital services enabled by gigabit networks. That is why we need investments in upgrading and rolling-out gigabit networks.


Gigabit connectivity accelerates the digital and green transformation of economies and society. Gigabit networks enable new advanced digital services in fields like e-health, e-mobility and smart cities.


Gigabit access is key to the digital & green transition and to make Europe carbon neutral by 2050. Innovations with an energy efficiency focus make gigabit networks consume less energy.